Matis Pet

Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) explains what personal data is collected through this website and in connection with the provision of our services, how we process, use and protect this data, for what purposes we use it, as well as your related rights with your data.

Our fundamental principle is privacy and protection of personal data

Privacy of individuals and protection of personal data are fundamental human rights.

We at Matis Pet have a duty to take care of the privacy of the persons whose personal data we process and store. Data is a responsibility, and must be collected and processed only when absolutely necessary.

Matis Pet adheres to the following principles in order to protect the privacy of its clients:

  • We do not collect more information than necessary
  • We do not use personal data for purposes other than those specified
  • We do not store personal data if it is no longer necessary
  • We never sell, lend, distribute or publicly release personal information
  • We do not send personal data to third parties without your knowledge
  • We do not use any automated processing and decision-making or profiling
  • We do not transfer personal data outside the EU/EEA
  • We continuously ensure that personal data is stored securely.

It is important to read this Privacy Policy of ours and we hope you will take the time and your attention. We tried to make it as clear as possible and understandable to everyone, with the desire to maintain your full confidence in the way we handle your personal data.

If, after reading them, you have further questions about the protection of personal data at Matis Pet, please contact us via the e-mail address:

This website, as well as our business and information systems, has been designed to comply with the following national and EU legal frameworks regarding data protection and user privacy:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679),
  • Directive on privacy in electronic communications (Directive 2002/58/EC),
  • Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection (Official Gazette 42/18),

and will be continuously updated in accordance with the relevant legal and regulatory framework of data protection and privacy at the national and EU level.

We regularly improve our Privacy Policy in order to improve the protection of your data.

Matis Pet acts in relation to the personal data of you as our business partners and potential clients through this website in the role of data controller, who determines the purposes and methods of processing your personal data, and takes care of ensuring all security measures for your personal data. Also, as a contractual party to our business partners, Matis Pet is also a processor on behalf of business partners as a processing manager, who give us full confidence in providing a wide range of services with the highest measures of data protection and processing security.

The manager of the processing of your personal data through this website is:

  • Matis Pet d.o.o., Pilinka 36 E,10251 Hrvatski leskovac

How and which data do we collect?

We collect your data that you make available to us when you intend to enter into business cooperation or use our services, which are necessary for the execution of the contract, such as name and surname, address, contact information (e-mail address, phone number) and we process them during the duration of our contractual relationship. This includes data necessary for the delivery of contracted services, as well as issuing invoices, data proving the authority to enter into a contract, and data collected during communication with us (e.g. contact data).

Although you can use our website without providing any personal information, once you contact us via our contact form or directly via our e-mail address, Matis Pet collects information about you. The information you fill in (personal information such as your name, email address, organization) or send by direct email message will be processed and stored so that we can contact you and respond to your request. Matis Pet will not share your personal information with any third party or allow them to access it. The data will be used exclusively for business contact, with the aim of improving the content of the website and anonymously for the purpose of collecting statistical data.

Our websites contain links to other websites and social networks and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of each website you visit, especially where you leave information.

What is the purpose and legal basis for data collection?

As long as we have open communication in the sense of establishing business cooperation, we will continue to collect and use your personal data necessary for the establishment of our business relationship as well as during our business cooperation, and we delete it upon the termination of the contractual relationship and upon the expiration of all legal obligations or the cessation of the existence of legal on the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, related to the processing of your personal data. We retain part of the data even after the termination of business cooperation based on our legitimate interests for the purposes of proving the fulfillment of contractual obligations and ensuring and improving the quality of services.

Upon your initial inquiry via our contact form on the website or directly to our e-mail address, we will respond to your request. If there is no further communication between you and Matis Pet, after 6 months we will delete all your personal data.

Authorized external performers of processing

We work with partners who help us provide and improve our services and products and make our direct communication with you effective. We provide access to your personal data to authorized external processors for the purpose of processing personal data for our company on the basis of our express instructions and through signed contracts on the protection of personal data. These partners are obliged to strictly comply with the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with this Privacy Policy, with the contracts we have concluded with them and in accordance with the obligations from the General Data Protection Regulation.

Our chosen external processors are primarily persons and companies that ensure the delivery of services, storage of contracts and other business documentation, business application maintenance services and other services related to the subject of our company’s business, without which we would not be able to ensure the fulfillment of our contractual obligations towards you and to provide you with a high level of quality of our services.

Information security

When Matis Pet collects information about you, we ensure that your personal information is protected from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal information that is transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. This is carried out through appropriate professional technical measures.

Matis Pet has implemented security measures to protect the personal information you share with us, including physical, electronic and procedural measures.

This website is hosted by us at Matis Pet on our servers within the EU, and Matis Pet fully ensures additional protection and non-acceptance of user privacy.

All traffic (file transfer) between this website and your internet browser is encrypted and delivered via HTTPS level, ensuring the highest level of data security.

Your rights

You are free to contact us at any time to exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. Your rights are as follows:

Right of access

You have the right to access your personal data and to be informed about which data and how we process it, for what purpose and for what period. We provide you with the ability to view your personal information or to request a copy of your personal information.

The right to withdraw consent

You have the right at any time and free of charge to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, on the basis of which Matis Pet will delete your data from its systems and stop using them for the purposes for which you have given your consent. The use of personal data before the withdrawal of consent is legal until the moment of its withdrawal.

The right to correct personal data

You have the right to correct or supplement inaccurate or incomplete personal data that you have provided to us and that we have collected.

Right to erasure

You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data, when the data is no longer needed to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, when you have withdrawn your consent to the processing of personal data, when you submit a justified objection or your personal data is processed illegally.

The right to object

You have the right to object to certain handling of your personal data. For example, you can request that we stop processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

The right to restriction of processing

You can ask us to restrict data processing, for example, when erasure, correction or objection regarding your personal data is pending and/or when we have no valid basis for processing your data and you want to keep it. When processing is restricted, your data will be stored and not processed further. For example, if you dispute the accuracy of your data, the processing of such data will be restricted until it is ensured that the data is correct.

Right to data transfer

When the processing is carried out by automatic means of processing based on a contract or consent, you have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured and commonly used form and to transfer such data to third parties at your discretion.

How to submit a request?

If you want to exercise any of the above rights, feel free to:

  • send a request to the e-mail address or
  • by mail to the address Matis Pet d.o.o., Pilinka 36 E, 10251 Hrvatski Leskovac

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but no later than one month after receiving your request. In the event that it is impossible to confirm your identity securely, we will be free to request an additional verification of your identity.

The right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority

You can submit a complaint directly to the competent supervisory authority at any time, especially in the EU country where you normally reside, place of work or place of alleged infringement, if you believe that our processing of your personal data is not lawful.

The direct contacts of the competent supervisory body in the Republic of Croatia are:

  • Selska cesta 136
  • HR – 10 000 Zagreb
  • Phone: +385 1 4609 000
  • e-mail:
  • Web:

Improving this privacy policy

We reserve the right to occasionally adjust and improve the text of these Privacy Policy, primarily in order to comply with legal changes, i.e. changes in the purpose and method of processing. However, we will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy or under applicable law. In the event that there is a change that could affect your rights, we will notify you directly in a timely manner in the attached manner.