Matis Pet

Terms of use

Name: MATIS PET d.o.o. for production, trade and services
Abbreviated name: MATIS PET d.o.o.
Headquarters: Hrvatski Leskovac, Pilinka 36 E
Business bank and giro account number: Zagrebačka banka DD IBAN: HR7523600001101525879
OIB: 64684988163 MBS: 00620157
Phone number: +385 1 6578121
E-mail address:


Terms of use

The website was launched and is edited by Matis pet d.o.o. (hereinafter: Matis pet).

With the first and every subsequent use of the website, it is considered that you are fully familiar with these Terms, that they are clear to you and that you accept them. If you do not agree with them, please do not access the website and do not use its contents. If you have any questions or ambiguities related to the Terms of Use, please contact
We may change the appearance and content of the website and the Terms of Use at any time and without explanation, so please review them periodically to familiarize yourself with possible changes. It is considered that your subsequent use of the website also represents your acceptance of all possible changes to these conditions. Matis pet will not be responsible for any possible consequences resulting from changes in web content.

Browsing the content at this address is possible only for personal purposes. It is prohibited to publicly display, download, duplicate, transmit, publish, change, reproduce, distribute, participate in the transfer or sale, make copies, upload and any other type of use of the entire content of these pages or any part of them, as well as the selection and harmonization of their content, without express written permission of Matis pet. If such permission is granted, it is not allowed to delete or change existing data related to copyright and/or trademark and rights of third parties.

Users are prohibited from transmitting and publishing obscene, offensive, vulgar, threatening or indecent, or otherwise unacceptable and illegal content, as well as those that violate some of the rights of any party, and especially content that contains viruses or other harmful material for this website. Users assume responsibility for any damage that is a consequence of their activities that are not in accordance with the above, as well as for any other type of damage that could result from it.

By using the content of these websites, the user accepts the risks that arise when using these websites and accepts to use the content of these websites exclusively for personal use and at his own risk.

Matis pet fully disclaims any responsibility that may arise from, or is in any way related to, the use of these websites, for any user actions by using or abusing the content of these websites, and for any damage that may occur by the user or a third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of these websites.

All self-initiatively sent materials, especially photos, videos, texts and other similar materials, i.e. other author’s works (hereinafter: Materials), can be published one or more times, without time limit, but do not have to be published on the website Matis five. By submitting content and material to this address, Matis pet automatically grants (or guarantees that the owner of the material has expressly permitted) irrevocable, permanent and exclusive rights and license to use, adapt and change, incorporate into other works, translations, publication, transmission and distribution by throughout the world and through all known and future media and for any purpose and free of charge. The terms of this point apply even after the termination of this contract. The senders of the material accept that no fee will be paid for the content sent. All persons who voluntarily send material to Matis pet guarantee under full criminal and material responsibility that it is their exclusive property and that they claim copyright. If the Matis five store suffers any damage due to the publication of those materials, those who submitted that material undertake to compensate Matis five for the entire damage that it would have suffered in this way.

Matis pet disclaims any responsibility related to materials provided by third parties.

If the website provides the possibility of establishing a link to other websites over which we have no influence, we are not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content of other websites, nor for the negative consequences that could arise from the use of other websites.


The website uses the so-called cookies in order to provide the user with a free service with full functionality and the highest quality content. Cookies represent a set of data generated by the website server and saved by the web browser on the user’s disk in the form of a small text file. A session cookie is placed on the computer of the user of the website only for the duration of his visit to this website and expires automatically when the user closes his web browser. The session cookie enables the user to use the website more efficiently, while the social cookie enables the user to share certain content through his own account on the social network Facebook. In addition, the website monitors statistical visits exclusively to obtain the necessary information about the attractiveness and success of its pages on the market, and in doing so, a third-party service called Google Analytics is used. Detailed third-party information about this service, as well as about the possibilities of users of the website in relation to the regulation of cookies that are necessary for the same, are available at:

The user of the website can always independently regulate the receipt of cookies through the settings of his web browser. The shop Matis pet excludes any responsibility for any loss of functionality and/or quality of the content of the website in all cases of choosing the regulation of receiving cookies by the user.
By using the website, it is considered that users are familiar with and agree to these terms of use at all times, including the provisions on data processing and cookie options.

Online store

The terms of business are valid for customers whose residence is located in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the EU. The seller is Matis pet d.o.o., and the buyer is a visitor of these pages, an adult and able-bodied person, who fills out an electronic order, sends it to the seller and makes payment by direct deposit, bank transfer, e-banking, card payment.

The customer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered during the purchase. By ordering items, the customer accepts the terms of business listed on these pages. Please submit your possible disagreement with the conditions, either in whole or in part, in writing before your first order to e-mail: or to the seller’s address.

The customer has the right to terminate the contract in accordance with Article 72 of the Consumer Protection Act (OG 41/2014). The right is exercised within the time limit and in the manner provided by law. If you want to unilaterally terminate the contract or advertise the delivered product, please find more detailed information about the procedure on the delivery page.

Matis five can reject the order or not deliver the goods if it finds that the Matis five website has been misused or if it determines that the data on the order is incomplete or incorrect.

All contents can be used and viewed on Matis five websites for your private use without any fees for use, but in accordance with the Terms of Use. The online store services provided by the Matis pet store do not include the costs you incur using computer equipment and services to access our pages. The Matis pet store is not responsible for phone costs, data traffic or any other costs that may occur when placing an order or browsing/searching websites. Store Matis pet reserves the right to change these conditions. Any changes will be published on these websites.

Intellectual property

The content of this website is protected by copyright that belongs to Matis pet, or has been assigned to Matis pet, and is owned by third parties. Matis pet also owns the copyright to edit, select and harmonize the content of this location. Furthermore, this site contains trademarks, individual names and other intellectual property content owned by Matis peta. You must not assume that any content on this site is for unrestricted use. Duplication of the content of this website is not permitted.

Pictures and video

All photographs, images, videos, biographical data of persons and other materials that appear on these websites are the exclusive property of Matis pet. The copyright to all materials found on the website belongs to Matis pet. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to entities for the purpose of using these materials exclusively for promotional, editorial and informational purposes of publication in newspapers, magazines and electronic media. Any other use of material from the Matis pet website is not permitted. Also, the use of any material from these websites in connection with the sale or offering for sale of products or services of any kind is not permitted. The defined permission and manner of use of these websites may not be transferred, subcontracted or assigned and any intended and attempted transfer, subcontracted or assigned will be considered null and void. By using material from the website, media users undertake to fully comply with the restrictions, conditions and requirements set forth herein.

Matis pet will make a reasonable effort to publish accurate and up-to-date information on the website, but does not assume responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the same, nor does it grant the right to object in this regard. Matis pet does not guarantee that this website will always be available and available and that it will not contain errors or viruses. Each user expressly agrees to use this website at his own risk.

Matis pet is not liable for any damage or injury (including, but not limited to, special or consequential damage) that may result from the use or inability to use any part of this website, or content posted or added to it by other users.

Media entities and other users who use these websites expressly agree to indemnify Matis pet for any and all claims, costs, damages or liabilities arising from the negligent use of materials from the websites by the same user, including any direct, indirect, accidental , special or consequential damages.

Protection of personal data

Matis pet is aware of the fact that many consumers and other users who visit our websites are concerned about the data they have submitted online and wonder how it is stored and used. Learn more about the policy of protection and confidentiality of personal data on our website here.

Statement on the protection and collection of personal data and their use

Matis pet undertakes to provide protection to customers’ personal data, in such a way that it collects only the necessary, basic data about customers/users that are necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations; informs customers about the way the collected data is used, regularly gives customers a choice about the use of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not they want their name removed from lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data is strictly kept and is only available to employees who need this data to perform their work. All Matis peta employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.